The management of the accommodation requests the customers to inform in time by written communication about any changes or cancellations concerning their reservation as soon as possible.

In case of cancellation, our policy is as follows:

In case of cancellation of the reservation more than 14 days before the scheduled arrival, there is no financial charge and the hotel will refund any advance payment.
For booking cancellations less than 14 days before the scheduled arrival, the customer is charged 100% of the total stay based on their booking.

In cases of cancellation upon arrival, during the stay, or for no show at the hotel, the customer is charged 100% of the stay based on his reservation.

In exceptional circumstances, the hotel reserves the right to cancel the booking or to change, substitute or withdraw any service, facility or provision without notice, if necessary. In this case, the hotel is obliged to refund the entire amount you have paid for your reservation, while it will make every effort to ensure you stay in another accommodation of at least the same category, in the same city, that offers similar amenities and services .

Payment is made either by bank deposit or credit card at the time of booking.

The hotel reserves the right to charge 100% of the reservation in case of no-show without prior notification.

The reservation concerns a room type for the duration of your stay, and not a specific room. If we need to transfer you to a different room whose price is lower than that of your reservation, the hotel is obliged to refund you the difference.

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